TheUnemploymentDojo's Blog

3 Ways To Turn Your Man InTo A “Nail Bitting, PopCorn Eating” Listener

Posted on: July 26, 2011

Ok maybe nail biting is kind of a pet peeve or a bad habit that is not very attractive. How about pop corn eating? Ladies wouldn’t you like your man to be so attentive that whenever you are getting ready to speak he runs to get micro-wave popcorn in preparation for your story? Almost he has absolutely nothing to do?

Ok i will give three tips and then get to the real subject of this blog post.

  1. Be interesting use adjectives and metaphors and descriptors.
  2. Tell A story
  3. Include some humor.

Ok the above part was just to get your attention. I may have some information on relationships but i chose to focus on business. The whole intention here is to show you how far a good headline can create readership. I believe everyone should at least master how to write effective jaw breaking headlines or what is called copy writing. One fundamental reason is that it attracts attention and attention in this economy is not bad thing especially if you have something worth saying. There are a gazillion copy writers who (i’m telling you ) had a crafty way of painting pictures with their words. Almost like a symphony or a Mary J Blige song. You felt connected if not obligated to get engaged. Some of the masters of this trade worth looking at are

  1. Eugene Schwartz
  2. Ron Popiel
  3. Victor Schwab
  4. Mel Martin
  5. Gary Bencivenga
  6. David Ogilvy
  7. John Caples
  8. Claude Hopkins
  9. Joe Suggarman

I mean these guys were dangerous when it came to writing copy. They sold some over 100 million a year and imagine they used mail. Today we have the internet. Results are immediate. It’s not a bad skill to train yourself while being unemployed, it might just eventually get you out of it!

Try it!

You’ll love the way you feel.

Lee Kariuki


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Lee Kariuki
1-888-MY-ETHER ext. 04466282

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